healing from within

Healing Environmental Illness From Within

Healing Environmental Illness From Within
Healing Environmental Illness From Within

This is the first of two books in which I share my healing journey from two forms of environmental illness, chemical and electromagnetic sensitivity, chronic fatigue and allergies.

In the first half of the book I describe the development of my illness and the baffling, seemingly unrelated, symptoms that were present for nine years before diagnosis.   I share my experiences with various medical professionals, relate who was able to help me and why, and also what wasn’t useful.

When it became clear that conventional and alternative treatments would not be sufficient for complete healing, I adopted a new approach combining body, mind and spirit in the process. In the second half of the book I share how it was necessary to go within my heart to examine the disempowered way I was living my life. I describe my life experiences from childhood to present day which created disharmony, eventually taking the form of serious illness. Most importantly, I share how I came to understand and let go of the emotional blocks crippling my immune system and how doing so resulted in an unexpected breakthrough.

My intention in writing this book is to offer hope to people who are struggling to recover and to present a new perspective to consider in working to regain health. It is a must-read for anyone wanting to understand how the mind-body connection relates to this challenging illness. Some readers have told me that its ultimate message makes it helpful for a wider audience than people with environmental illness.

(118 pages)

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