Healing Services


Healing From Within

It is often said that love is all there is.  Many would agree that without it we are not only deprived of happiness and emotional wellbeing, but often our body suffers as well in the form of acute or chronic illness.

From personal experience of living with a very challenging illness for twenty years, I know this to be true. I had one of the best doctors in the country and followed her very effective protocol to the letter.  Still, after eighteen months something was preventing a full recovery.

It was only after uncovering and resolving the many ways in which I felt separated from both Divine Love and self-love that I recovered.  There were many aspects of my life which were out of balance from thought patterns and ways of being in the world that didn’t serve me.  I invite you to read my personal story of healing on this website & to peruse my books.

In present day I bless my illness for all I have learned which allows me to help others working on their own inner healing.  It has gifted me with a greater understanding and compassion for people I couldn’t have acquired any other way.  I invite you to browse through my website and read about my offerings to help you in your own inner process.

Both Living Light Blessings and the John of God Crystal Bed are superb ways to connect with Divine Love and for those wishing to go within their heart to explore what prevents a full measure of self love, I offer a very effective form of mentoring acquired at the world renowned Option Institute which was a key player in my recovery.If you are sick or simply tired of living at half mast and feel you have tried everything from soup to nuts to help yourself without success, please contact me and let’s talk.

My Healing Services:

Call Marcia at 828-225-1735